Launches, press conferences and campaigns — whatever the occasion, small or large, we’ll help you talk to your audience.
We have extensive experience in generating coverage for a number of one-off events including:
– the launch of philanthropic start-up neighbourly, obtaining coverage in two ‘A list’ business titles – Bloomberg and Forbes … along with a number of ethical trade blogs including Ethical Performance and Sustainable Brands.
– co-ordinating media coverage for the award winning video games company Opposable Games and their hosting of the UK’s biggest virtual reality conference. Title coverage included The New Scientist, International Business Times, the E&T, VR Focus, Insider Media, the Bristol Post and a blog in The Guardian.
– the launch of cleaning start-up, achieving coverage in The Independent‘s weekly ‘Small Talk’ column followed by a blog in The Guardian.
– generating coverage for a new venture involving a number of peer rental start-ups, securing features in the personal finance sections of both The Metro and The Guardian.
– Zipcar UK‘s report on the sharing economy, earning a feature in the Mail On Sunday and coverage in both The Independent and the Sunday Telegraph.